7.13. Project Management
7.13.2. Work Orders
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7.13.2. Work Orders

Work Orders Menu Option

Work Order are discussed in detail in the Work Orders section In the Service and Punch section of this document. See that section for details on creating and editing Work Orders.

Work Orders do not have to be created from the Service & Punch tab on proposals. The Work Orders menu item allows direct access to creating and editing Work Orders without having to open a proposal first. When you click on the Work Orders menu item the Project Management window will open and it will display Pending work orders and work order that have been marked as Complete.

image ProjectMgtWorkOrdersWindow.JPG

Pending work orders are work orders that have not yet marked as Complete. Work orders can be created and edited over a period of time to allow for all the appropriate information to be collected. The work order is considered "pending" until it has been marked complete.

To edit a pending work order, simply click on the entry in the Pending Work Orders list and the Work Order edit window will open allowing you to update your work order.

The lower frame of this window displays all work orders that have been marked as Complete. The details of any of these entries can be accessed by clicking on the entry in the list. The Completed Work Order list also displays colored diamonds to the right of the Work Order number. These diamonds denote the status of the work order. a green diamond indicates that the work order has been ordered (on a purchase order) and a blue diamond indicates that the work order has been invoiced.

The Work Order list displays very much like the proposal list. Several of the column titles in the Work Order list are underlined meaning that they are links for sorting the list. Click on any of the underlined column titles to sort the list in ascending order, click the title a second time to sort the list in descending order.

The work order list can also be sorted with the Sort Option menu on the right side on the window under the pagination controls.

7.13.2. Work Orders
7.13. Project Management
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